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TP&F consultants have a passion for all things Salesforce. Our mission is to guide your team through its Salesforce expedition by customizing your path through an educational approach. Our apprenticeship program nurtures your Salesforce administrators to gain the experience and expertise to guide your team on solo Salesforce submits. Just like a guided expedition trip to climb Denali we can do the heavy lifting or provide support.  Our Salesforce certified guides are ready to help you achieve your implementation, day-to-day admin, and training objectives.

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Professional: We are a team of certified professionals across many of the Salesforce clouds. Our experts have worked in multiple industries and held roles including Sales, Operations and Executive.  We are project-based implementation, technical support, and training experts.  Helping our customers achieve user adoption, ease of use, and offering the most cost-effective solution is our focus.

Training:  We’re proud to boast about our greatest passion as a team is education and training.  It is the key to successful end user adoption. We have over 20 years experience developing curriculum and delivering classes around the world.  Our team holds a combined number nearing 40 Salesforce certifications covering a range of their products.  Many of our team members has been through the process to become a Salesforce Certified Instructor, proving the depth of knowledge for each product and course delivered.

Fun and Family:  We enjoy working together and hope you enjoy working with us! There’s a lot of work to do in each project, implementation, or class we deliver. Our team has grown to be friends as well as colleagues.  We want our customers to know how much we care for them just as we do for each other.

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